1. How did you fall in love with circus arts? And then what inspired you to take the leap to start TanookiTwirls?

In 2014, one of my friends started hula hooping as a hobby and she encouraged me to start (shout out to Erica Paige, owner of Psychedelicatesvtg). I bought a hoop and the rest of history. I quickly found that movement is meditation and hooping brought me so much what I call “pure unadulterated happiness.”

… It’s also great exercise too! I always say, hooping is for everyone! No matter your age, gender, size or anything! You get yourself moving, get your heart rate up – it’s truly a mind-body experience. 

I’m self-taught, and I loved it so much that I started making YouTube tutorials because there were so little available at that time and I really wanted to share the hoop love! That’s how TanookiTwirls began. I wanted to put videos out there so people could find it and HOOPfully find the happiness that I found within hooping too. After that, I began my studio Tanooki Twirls here in East Falls.

2. So can you tell me a little bit more about all the classes you teach?

I currently instruct hula hooping, fire fans, silk fans, floor yoga, and other fire arts. (Editor’s note: In case you are not familiar, all of those are dance props that are part of the classes. So cool!) 

3. We talked about the past and how you started TanookiTwirls. What’s your vision for the future of TanookiTwirls?

That’s a great question. It is something I reflect and ask myself almost every day. I have to balance my time between instructing, performing, practicing, and of course still making time for fun, since that is the whole foundation of my love towards flow arts and the vision behind TanookiTwirls. 

I think the future for TanookiTwirls will always offer some sort of instruction, because I find so much joy in introducing hooping or other movement art forms to others. I love showing people what their bodies are capable of, and helping them find true happiness within themselves. 

One of the things I would love to pursue is bringing hooping into more schools and libraries. It would be great to perform at school assemblies and even teach hooping in classes to introduce the art for to a community I have not interacted with yet!

I also believe hooping could be a great tool for teaching other subjects, such as geometry (hula-hoops ARE circles after all). Ultimately, the future of TanookiTwirls is bringing this happiness to more people.

I’m also hoping to do more pop-up classes and maybe even a “hoopy” hour. It can be a great low pressure way to get started. I often have adults who are apprehensive about trying to hoop, but by the end, they always love it! What I really love about hooping is that it brings out someone’s inner child.

This year, I started hosting a community class monthly in the Northern Liberties area, and now I’ve made new hoopers, I call them my “baby hoopers” and I’m their “hoop mama” (these are terms in the hoop community)! And I would love to be able to do that in multiple communities, you know?  

4. What is your favorite performance memory?

Mm. Very recent, actually, when I was at FlowStorm , I performed the first act I ever created called, Feeling Hoopful.  

Feeling Hoopful is basically about my journey with hula-hooping and how I felt like it saved me. I was quite depressed right before I found hooping, and it completely changed my life. It will be 10 years this summer, and sure, I’ve had bad days – but I’ve never been happier than I have been the last decade of my life.  

I was actually quite nervous for my number, because I was performing in front of an insanely talented crowd at Flowstorm. But, my performance was really well received, and I was met with overwhelming support. Some of the audience came back after my performance and told me that my act made them cry, and some people even asked if I am classically trained in dance. Remember what I said earlier about how I didn’t know how to move my body when I first started hooping? I felt so supported in this community, and that was my favorite performance memory recently for sure. 

6. What advice would you give to someone who’s looking to follow their dreams and passions the way that you are? 

Just do it. My biggest advice from someone that wants to follow their passions is just like, be your truest self. But be honest with yourself. Really, really reflect, look inwards, meditate, or journal, depending on your avenue. And if you’re authentic and true to yourself and who you truly want to be, follow that path. And I truly do believe the rest will come. Maybe not all of it right away, but pursue your passions in this life, make it yours. 

7. Anything else you want to share?

Come hoop with me! 

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